Accomplishments based on DPC functions



Accomplishments in 2005

To establish a quality disaster preparedness program for Manila Doctors Hospital.

The Disaster Preparedness Committee of Manila Doctors Hospital was reactivated and strengthened in February, 2005.

There is now a structured disaster preparedness program as evidenced by an operations primer done in February, 2005.  The disaster program is comprehensive in that it includes internal and external disasters and disasters involving both patients and infrastructures.  For internal disasters involving patients, programs included safety of infrastructures, preparedness against natural calamity, sudden influx of patients to the hospital, cardiopulmonary arrest, and preparedness against bomb threats and terrorism.

To avoid disasters within the hospital as much as possible.


There was no fire disaster within the hospital and no natural calamity that affected the hospital.

There were sudden influxes of patients and sudden cardiopulmonary arrests which were adequately taken care of the Department of Emergency Medical Services and Committee on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

To prepare the hospital personnel and organizational resources for optimal performance during times of disaster.   

To make the hospital personnel and the community aware of the importance of the disaster preparedness program, how it is executed, and the benefits it provides.

Establishment and continual development of a structured hospital disaster preparedness program – February, 2005.


Seminars and drills – fire disasters / advanced cardiac life support / basic life support conducted


Awareness programs on earthquake / terrorism / bomb threats / sudden influx of patients / sudden cardiopulmonary arrests / weapons on mass destruction


System of ready availability of hospital keys in case of emergencies where there is a need to enter offices / rooms


Acquisition of permission to use the front lawn and parking areas of Philippine Tourism Authority as holding areas in case of massive evacuation


Preparation for Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza

To serve as a policy-making body in disaster preparedness related activities in Manila Doctors Hospital.

To coordinate and collaborate in the preparation, organization, implementation, and regulation of the MDH Disaster Preparedness Plan.

To periodically review and revise the provisions of the disaster preparedness plan as needs may dictate.  

Organizational meetings on hospital disaster preparedness program – February16, 2005;

Subsequent meetings – 6 x (March 3; April 15; July 13; September 22; December 2; December 14)

Organizational meetings on Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza – December 2 and 14, 2005


Review will be done on January of each year – scheduled in the first meeting of the Committee in January of 2006.

To develop procedures to orient and train new as well as bonafide hospital personnel in their disaster-related responsibilities so as to ensure a state of preparedness at all times.

To monitor the implementation of the plan and arrange for periodic drills and simulation exercises.

To develop the capacity of all organic units of MDH in the hospital's preparedness in the event of a disaster.

Seminars and drills – fire disasters / advanced cardiac life support / basic life support conducted

Awareness programs on earthquake / terrorism / bomb threats / sudden influx of patients / sudden cardiopulmonary arrests / weapons on mass destruction


Preparation for Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza

To relate the hospital's Disaster Preparedness Plan to other community disaster plans.

Participation – Security of Critical Infrastructure and Disaster Preparedness of Hospitals – Quirino Memorial Medical CenterFebruary 18, 2005

MDH Preparedness for General Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary UnionApril 3-8, 2005

MDH Preparedness – SEA Games and Para-Olympics – November – December, 2005

Participation – Zuellig Pharma initiative on Avian Flu Preparedness – October, 2005  -MDH Task Force Avian Flu and Pandemic Influence